Jurnal dan Publikasi

Berikut daftar jurnal untuk publikasi artikel penelitian yang dilakukan oleh dosen dan mahasiswa Jurusan Geografi Universitas Negeri Padang

  • Jurnal Geografi

Jurnal Geografi is a Scientific Journal published by Universitas Negeri Padang in collaboration with The Indonesian Geographical Society. We accept mainly research-based articles related to geography. The journal welcomes contributions in such areas of current analysis in Geography Education, Physical Geography, Human Geography, Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing, Environmental Science, Disaster Mitigation All articles are published after being peer-reviewed by experts in the field.


  • Jurnal Buana

Jurnal Buana adalah Jurnal bagi Mahasiswa Jurusan Geografi yang telah menyelesaikan Penelitian Skripsinya. Setiap Jurnal yang masuk akan diproses terlebih dahulu untuk uji Plagiat dengan syarat toleransi 25% dan selanjutnya akan di review oleh Expert Reviewer hingga dinyatakan Layak untuk diterbitkan. Semoga semua karya tulis dan penelitian Mahasiswa Jurusan Geografi dapat menjadi Referensi bagi Peneliti – Peneliti Berikutnya.


  • International Remote Sensing Application Journal

The remote sensing application journal is an international journal published twice in one year in June and December by the Remote Sensing Study Program, Padang State University. This international remote sensing application journal welcomes authoritative, original, illustrated, and well-written manuscripts on topics related to remote sensing applications. Each submitted text that passes this step will be checked to identify any plagiarism before being reviewed by reviewers. This journal uses a double-blind review, manuscripts will be sent to the reviewer anonymously. The reviewers’ comments are also sent anonymously to the related authors to take the necessary actions and responses. The revised manuscript decisions will then be evaluated at the editorial board meeting, based on the recommendations of the reviewer of several possibilities: rejected, requires major revisions, needs minor revisions, or is accepted. The Chief Editor of the International Remote Sensing Aplied Journal has the right to decide which manuscripts are submitted to the journal to be published. http://irsaj.ppj.unp.ac.id/index.php/IRSAJ